Hey guys, come help me whitewash the fence, it'll be fun!

So the other day I asked Gene if he could change the blog so that it shows you (in the right margin) what the most recent 5 or 10 comments were. This way, if you're throwing down with a few different clowns on three different threads, you don't have to scroll down and remember the total post count just to check if that idiot has come back with a lame response to your crushing argument.

Now you would think that Gene, a professional programmer in a previous life, would have asked me some questions about my preferences for the feature, and then banged it out in 8 minutes flat.

Instead, he said, "You have administrative rights, see what you can figure out."

Is this tough love, or laziness? In any event, I found the Template switch in Blogger, and I see the html for the site. But I would just as soon try to give myself double bypass surgery than try to insert a box with the 5 previous comments.

Can anybody give me some code to paste in? I'm not dumb, just ignorant, when it comes to this stuff.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Why don't you just check the "send email notces" box on posts where you want to be notified of comments?

  2. No, Bob wants to notify everyone of the most recent comments on any thread.

  3. Not everyone, Gene, just everyone who visits Crash Landing.

    David Zetland has the feature on his site, and I find it useful. Since DZ posts so much, it would be a real pain for me to scroll down and check whether he or some tree hugger with whom I am arguing has responded.

    So instead of having to do that, I just check his box on the right side to see if there are any comments starting with, "Bob you ignorant slut..."


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