Democracy: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Tyler Cowen linked to this NYT reader poll about how to stimulate the economy. I had to stop reading after the first five. Go ahead and try it. In just two minutes you can ruin your whole day.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM


    Invest billions of dollars to develop an interstate passenger rail system similar to the interstate highway system. This would do much to create jobs, stimulate growth in the economy and reduce our dependence on oil.

    — D Harwood, Richmond, VA


    Put a hefty $4 additional tax on gasoline. Split the revenues evenly between education (every citizen gets 2 years of college free, and can work off the other 2 years with public service), real investments in solar and wind energy production and light rail. What do you get? Energy conservation, a better workforce, jobs and re-investment in safe, healthy cities. It's what we should have done on 9/12/2001.

    — Nick Hayes, Milwaukee, WI


    Put a muzzle on Ben Bernanke.

    — dave, Tucson

    Hey, now that's a good one!

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Break windows. As many of them as we can. Breaking windows should be a central feature of any sensible economic plan.

    I liked this terminology, from comment #5: "assign much more money to community colleges". Assign them more money. That just takes all the coercion and injustice out of it, doesn't it?

    I guess no one will read this comment since the post is 4+ days old, but I felt like posting it anyway.


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