Making Sure Tyler Cowen Doesn't Give Me a Kidney

I will probably regret this in the morning, but I had to share my thoughts after reading Tyler Cowen arguing with other central planners over the best way to spend trillions of dollars running health care. There were nine comments when I saw the thread, and no one had raised a peep about this apparent discrepancy from a libertarian. (He's a libertarian, right? If he never said he was then I feel bad.)

If nothing else, the experience gives me patience with obvious trolls on other websites (or this one, in fact).


  1. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Did someone say "kidney"?

  2. That really disturbed me, and if I hadn't had a sense of what was coming (from your hint) it would have disturbed me even more.

    OTOH, I wouldn't have forwarded through to the end had you not given the hint.


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