Murphy Testimony to Ron Paul et al.

Actually the government does have our written testimonies available; here is mine (pdf). (You can access everybody else's, as well as Ron Paul's opening statement, here.)

Ron Paul's staffer tells me at some point the podcast will be available but it isn't yet. I imagine they have "Balance Federal Budget" higher up on the To Do list...


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM


    I'm reading your testimony, and I'm really impessed so far. But, I had to chuckle over this:

    ....whch is not speculation, but a fact.

    Welcome to the world of facts,and not all theory, er, speculation.

    Next time I need you to prove a point of mine, I'm going to ask you to testfy beore Congress!

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM


    Just finished reading your written testimony. It is solid stuff. Everytime the thought, "Well, he didn't cover this." came to mind, you covered it in the next paragraph.

    Overall, thorough and well reasoned.

    Congratulations, I'm impressed.

  3. Thanks RW. And yeah, there are degrees of theoriness and factiness (like Colbert's truthiness).

  4. Great stuff, should be required reading by anyone who wants to discuss the current oil markets. I going to keep a copy of this pdf on my flashdrive so I can pass it along to the next half-brained looney who talks to me about a sinister plot in the energy market.

  5. Woody, I think your maid would enjoy a copy.

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hey Bob,

    Apparently you are not the only person Barney Frank walks out on. Vincent Bugliosi was testifying on why Bush should be tried for murder, and Frank left the chamber, and Bugliosi called him on it by saying Mr. Frank apparently thinks he knows enough about this topic.

    See here, about 5 to 6 minutes in. If you have time watch the full 9 minutes, it's good stuff.


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