I was nonplussed by this movie. Granted, I missed the last 10 minutes because Clark wisely decided it was time to go. (This is a great way to beat traffic, by the way: Just skip the last 10 minutes of the movie. Few others think of this clever strategy.)

Notwithstanding my incomplete viewing, I don't understand why Tyler Cowen likes this movie so much. (Then again, he has a crush on Will Wilkinson; if I knew Latin I'd put in that famous phrase about no accounting for tastes.)

Don't get me wrong, Pixar is awesome; within 10 minutes you are rooting for the little guy. But other than that, I think the message was wrong. Sure, Westerners are lazy and overweight and there are problems with commercialism. (Incidentally, why does Tyler Cowen of all people like this movie?!) But I really don't think we are destroying the earth. I don't endorse his unmerciful tone, but I think my former student makes some good points--especially at the end when he says that he's seen firsthand what a lack of capitalism looks like.

Also, just a minor quibble, but there's no sound in space! Only the people involved in 2001 and 2010 had the courage to do this right.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Wow. Check out the user contributed tags on the mises.org article you linked to.

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Two comments:

    1) Isn't it amazing to think that one of the most massively cataclysmic events in the universe, the explosion of a star in a supernova, would be completely silent to any observer?

    2) Based on the mostly-critical user-generated tags for that WALL-E article and many critical comments in most discussion threads, is anyone else a little impressed by how many non-libertarians read the articles and blog posts at Mises.org? I mean, most of them are hopeless socialists, but if y'all keep at it you'll attract a few of them to the good side.

  3. Good points John. I am glad that the critics of Mises.org articles cannot make sounds (as far as this observer is concerned).


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